Please join us for the March 2024 Stake Conference for the Layton Legacy Stake. Elder Kähnlein of the Seventy will be presiding at the conference. We look forward to his instruction and to learning and sharing together. You won't want to miss this great event. Here are the details on the different sessions of the conference:
Saturday, March 23
7:00-8:30 pm
All adult members of the stake
Sunday, March 24
7:30-9:00 am
Stake and Ward Councils (including their presidencies)
Ward Mission Leaders
Youth Advisors & Specialists
Aaronic Priesthood Quorum and Young Women Class Presidencies
All Secretaries
Sunday, March 24
10:00 am-12:00 pm
All members of the stake and any visitors.
Wards Attending at the Layton Legacy Stake Center: Ellison Park 2nd, Feathering Sands, Meadow Green, Wild Horse Springs, Willow Ridge
Wards Attending at the Sand Springs Building:
Evans Meadows, Sand Springs, West Layton, Wheatfield.