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Legacy Stake

Stake Women's Conference Highlights

April 29th, 2023 women's conference began with the opening hymn, "Where Can I Turn for Peace" which was a beautiful segue into President Spencer Brown's message. He spoke about being an influence of hope in this world and sharing that hope in Christ. His message was followed by a beautiful musical number, "Peace in Christ" performed by Brooke Stone and accompanied by Merideth Mecham. The lyrics,

"When hope is gone

He gives us strength

When we can't go on

He gives us shelter

In the storms of life

When there's no peace on earth

There is peace in Christ"

were an additional witness to President Tiffany Tolman's message which followed. She said that the Savior is the only one who can make us whole and holy. He invites us to come and be healed.

Following President Tolman was the keynote speaker Mark D. Ogletree who is a marriage therapist and host of the podcast "Preserving Families" with his

wife Janie. His delightful humor was much appreciated on the topic of the challenges we face while living during these last days, and how to stay positive. He pointed out how during the war chapters in the Book of Mormon, Alma was able to taste the goodness of Jesus. Mark was kind enough to share his slideshow in a pdf (which we have pasted below).

Lunch (chicken salad croissants, salad, fruit & dessert bars).

The closing hymn was "How Gentle God's Commands". The lyrics were the perfect close to such a wonderful conference.

How gentle God's commands!

How kind his precepts are!

Come, cast your burdens on the Lord

And trust his constant care.

Beneath his watchful eye,

His Saints securely dwell;

That hand which bears all nature up

Shall guard his children well.

Why should this anxious load

Press down your weary mind?

Haste to your Heav’nly Father’s throne

And sweet refreshment find.

His goodness stands approved,

Unchanged from day to day;

I’ll drop my burden at his feet

And bear a song away.

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