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Legacy Stake

Devotional Highlights

Sisters in our stake were blessed recently to listen and learn from an apostle of the Lord. On Friday, April 14, 2023, Elder Dale G. Renlund and his wife Ruth were joined by President Bonnie H. Cordon for a special sisters' devotional broadcast. In addition to sharing some thoughts and testimony with the sisters, they took some time to answer questions from sisters in our area.

They touched on topics from preparing for the Savior's Second Coming to how to measure our success as parents and disciples in the church.

When asked what the most pressing needs were for members in our area, Elder Renlund reiterated President Russell M. Nelson's Apr 2023 general conference message of being peacemakers and showing kindness to each other. He also shared that any time we think we need more than what Jesus Christ has already offered - His infinite Atonement - before we feel we can believe in Him or His teachings, we are looking beyond the mark (see Jacob 4:15). He shared that the Savior has given us that we need to believe.

We are so grateful for the sisters who sacrificed a Friday night to sit at the feet of a prophet, seer and revelator to be filled.

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